A series of isolated serial converters and adapters are available to link standard PC ports (RS232 COM, USB, Ethernet) with most popular communication interfaces of peripheral devices (RS485, RS422, MPI, PPI); full isolation guarantees the safely running even in the heavy environmental conditions.
The SS10680 gateway is an industrial device specifically designed to implement data collection systems, which operate according to the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigms; it allows bidirectional communication between field equipment and the Cloud software platform. It provides a Modbus RTU master interface on RS485 or Modbus TCP over Ethernet through which it interrogates devices distributed in the field. The variables read by Modbus slave devices are sent to the Cloud via MQTT protocol with SSL / TLS client certificate authentication on variation or fixed time. Through web pages it is possible to define the variables to be sampled of any Modbus device, or to recall the devices present in the library (IOlog series SS3000, SS8000, SS10000). It is possible to configure the MQTT message structure in order to better adapt to the different MQTT Brokers available (Amazon AWS, IBM Watson IoT, Mosquitto etc.). The configuration of the device is carried out via Web pages and it is possible to remotely update the firmware.
Download Datasheet:SS10580 is an isolated gateway between Modbus RTU devices of a RS485 network and the Ethernet network with Modbus TCP protocol. The full isolation between Ethernet and RS485/422 interfaces removes potential ground-loop effects and allows the use of the device even in the heavy environmental conditions. By means of the integrated Web interface it is possible to configure both the Modbus TCP side options (IP address, subnet mask, etc.) and the Modbus RTU side options (baud rate, time-outs, etc.). It is possible restore the default settings using the reset button. The LED indicators of Ethernet activity and TX/RX data flow on the serial line allow a direct monitoring of the system functionality.
Download Datasheet:SS8580 is an isolated gateway between Modbus RTU devices of a RS485 network and the Ethernet network with Modbus TCP protocol. The full isolation between Ethernet and RS485/422 interfaces removes potential ground-loop effects and allows the use of the device even in the heavy environmental conditions. By means of the integrated Web interface it is possible to configure both the Modbus TCP side options (IP address, subnet mask, etc.) and the Modbus RTU side options (baud rate, time-outs, etc.). It is possible restore the default settings using the reset button. The LED indicators of Ethernet activity and TX/RX data flow on the serial line allow a direct monitoring of the system functionality.
Download Datasheet:SS3580-MBTCP is an isolated gateway between Modbus RTU devices of a RS485 network and the Ethernet network with Modbus TCP protocol. The full isolation between Ethernet and RS485/422 interfaces removes potential ground-loop effects and allows the use of the device even in the heavy environmental conditions. By means of the Telnet interface it is possible to configure both the Modbus TCP side options (IP address, subnet mask, etc.) and the Modbus RTU side options (baud rate, time-outs, etc.). The LED indicators of Ethernet activity and TX/RX data flow on the serial line allow a direct monitoring of the system functionality.
Download Datasheet:SS3580-USB is an isolated interface converter between USB and asynchronous serial line RS485/RS422. The full isolation between USB and RS485/422 serial line removes potential ground-loop effects and allows the use of the device even in the heavy environmental conditions. The device is designed to interface both serial line RS422 (full-duplex 4 wires) and serial line RS485 (half-duplex 2 wires), with a baud-rate transmission up to 115.2 kbps. Transmission is asynchronous and does not require setting of protocol, data format and baud rate.
Download Datasheet:SS3580-COM is an isolated interface converter between asynchronous serial lines RS232 and RS485/RS422. The full isolation between power supply, RS232 serial line and RS485/422 serial line removes potential ground-loop effects and allows the use of the device even in the heavy environmental conditions. The device is designed to interface both serial line RS422 (full-duplex 4 wires) and serial line RS485 (half-duplex 2 wires), with a baud-rate transmission up to 115.2 kbps. Transmission is asynchronous and does not require setting of protocol, data format and baud rate. Handshaking commands (RTS, CTS, etc.) on the line RS232 are not necessary for the control of reception and transmission.
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