Data Acquisition Software

Data Acquisition Software

By linking one or more I/O modules, via a RS485 or Ethernet bus, to a PC running Winlog SCADA software, you can quickly and easily build a modular, reliable and convenient Data Acquisition System. An integrated development environment provides a set of tools and graphic libraries for the easy and intuitive creation of multi-language applications.

Application Builder is the powerful tool that allows you to automatically create a Data Acquisition software application, by simply taking up from a library and putting together the software objects relating to the different IOlog modules.

In addition to Modbus addresses, objects may include supervisory and configuration templates and a list of events and alarms with their management procedures. You can define objects using the Multilanguage option, in order to allow the operator to select the desired language in runtime operation.

"Data Acquisition Software" records the data read from I/O modules and makes them available in form of graphical trends, list of historical information or reports (e.g. quality reports). History files in CSV format and ODBC support provide an interface to the most common Windows applications (Excel, SQL, etc.).

Winlog makes it possible to set up distributed Client/Server architectures on Intranet/Internet networks or to create web applications accessible from Internet Clients with a simple browser.

Details on Winlog
